FMCT (formerly known as Living Faith Ministries) started from the first week of July, 2016 in the loving memories of Dr Victor Solmon Dawson and Mr Faith Odion Ejemai.

Mission and vision of the ministries:

To actually spread the love of Christ through faithful deeds/actions, not by the sweet words of gospel alone.

Objects of the trust are as below:

- Spiritual & religious

- Social Awareness & Welfare activities

- Education towards Patriotism

- Motivation speeches for Humanity

- Live music band for a cause

- Animal Aid

- Medical provisions to the underprivileged


1. Good sound system for our open live performances for cause in the remote villages of India.

2. A four wheeler to hold our instruments and other items for distribution.

3. Volunteering artists such as Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Motivational speakers and Stand-up comedians.

4. Donations in cash or kind for maintenance.

Our special request:

We the team members of FMCT welcome you all to be partakers of our mission in anyway you can. Be it by paying visits and serving the needful in the villages chosen randomly every month, be it through the contributions/donations you can make small or big for the medicines and the care taking maintenance, or be it through your constant blessings and prayers for our mission to grow. But please do remember us. May God double the portions of a cheerful giver in love and faith. Amen.

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

It's time we react

It's high time we realise that we have become our own threat. 

I heard few people say, "We don't know what will happen after we die. But we know we have to survive now and leave behind something for our children to be happy". I tell you, you may leave riches but you are not leaving behind any happiness for them. You are making their life more stressful. Money and riches can't stop death. But for as long as we live, we need to live in peace. 

Let us first be content with what we have. Everything else falls in place. Because this greed is the root cause of not only our stressfull lives today , but also our extinction that will happen soon. We just need food, shelter and clothes to live in this world. Anything else we are running after, is mere greed. With satisfaction comes caring for others which is called charity/love and with love comes peace and harmony that make our short lives great. You may not be sure of your possessions or anything once you die, but you can be sure that you live happy and your next generations do too. 

It's time we let go all excesses and unnecessary luxuries of our lives and start working towards better living conditions. 

NOTE: Our team FMCT is all set to do musical events on raising social awareness about such sensitive issues. We don't charge for our services. Interested parties may contact us on sevenchanneltv@gmail.com with your ideas to conduct/sponsor such events across the world.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Religion is Humans trying to work their way to God.

For the past 3 years, I have started mentioning “Human” whenever I had to fill up any form that asks for my religion. It’s not like I am not proud of what religion I was born in. I am just too devastated on how the concept of religion has become the primary concern for ‘Divide and rule’ spoiling peace in this world. I am just a follower of Christ. Of the Christians out there, I only appreciate the interpretation of Mother Teresa who actually proclaimed Christ through her deeds. She was a follower of Christ too but nobody had seen her preaching gospel!

The book of James 1:27 from the Holy Bible says “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted in this world”. The Holy Bible itself stated this. Who are those in the name of Christianity to give their own interpretations and corrupt the actual meaning of it? Jesus didn’t die so we could have a religion. He died so that we could have a relationship with God through him. Don’t misinterpret here too. ‘Through him’ means in the shadow of the ways he walked. That’s why he said, ‘I am the way...’

That way is not a religion. Jesus never came to start a religion. He came to have a relationship with us with a purpose and destiny for our lives, which is love and kindness. Religion means here the division between Sacred and Secular concern, other worldliness, man’s reaching toward God in a way that protects his own thoughts, because our own wisdom is quite corruptive. Religion should make us proud of what good deeds we have done, how much of human we have been, and if we have kept ourselves spotless of any guilt. So, Christianity is not about religion. It is about faith, about being held, about being forgiven of our past bad deeds, about finding peace and joy, about finding a meaningful life by helping others.

I only talk about Christianity here because I am a follower of Christ. I don’t know what you have been learning from whom you follow now.  But if your words of faith have no actions, then your religion means nothing at all. And if you call yourself a follower of Christ, Mary, Buddha, Allah, Ram, or whoever it is, and you cannot maintain love and peace with other living beings, it’s even considered a shame to their names.  Don’t add rules that don’t exist in the Holy Bible or other holy books.  Don’t make this “religion” that is not from God at all. Be a follower if you can and let people identify your God’s greatness through your deeds. You don’t even have to open your mouths.

One last word for everyone reading this. If you have good morals and you are able to pass that good to other through your deeds, then you automatically have a relationship with God, which is the key to open the doors of heaven.   

Sunday, March 26, 2017


You must have seen this advertisement for some tyre company ‘streets are filled with idiots’. I came across one this particular day of March 23rd, 2017, a Thursday evening around 05:50pm.

I was returning home on my bike from Mumbai exhibition center. I was there to meet my distributor friends who had their stalls for the Camera Exhibition happening in town. Being rush hours, I was muddling through the moving traffic and maintained my speed as I had a long way to drive back home. There were other bikes, cars and heavy vehicles moving alongside and each of us maintained a minimum distance to avoid any hits. I made sure I don’t clash into other bikes as bikers were using every available tiny gap to barge in. I had no rush and so I kept a safe distance. But accidents don’t come with a notice. They don’t always happen with the ones who drive rough. They can also happen to the ones who drive very carefully focusing on the road. And mostly it happens that way only.

Since I was already to the left side of the road, a car just tried to overtake me. Trust me; there was no scope for any accident at all because the driver ensured he horned loud enough to avoid any such disasters. But like I said, there are idiots everywhere; suddenly a young girl sitting inside the car, wide opened the door of this speeding car! She must be in her early twenties and was busy with one of her mobile apps, THE WhatsApp. I was able to notice that because, once the open door hit me with all force and I lost my balance to fall down and skid a little on the burning road along with my bike, she just closed the door looking at me and continued with her chatting without even apologizing. My knee swelled up and my ear was cut deep as the car door banged right on my ear. The girl didn’t even realize what just happened! It was actually a cab and the cab driver quickly pulled his vehicle aside and stopped for a minute, blasted the girl for her stupidity, said sorry to me on her behalf and pulled off again the moment he noticed that a crowd started gathering around us. I understood his fear and was able to forgive him for not staying back to check on me. I didn’t get a chance to catch the girl. I was in so much pain and anger that if I got to the girl, I would have thrashed her to death! May be God didn’t want me to turn a murderer that he permitted the cab driver to skip so quickly from the situation. I was so bothered. It could have been a major accident as there were two heavy loaded vehicles to my extreme left and a school bus to my front. What could have happened if I fell to my left side or if the school bus didn’t speed suddenly to take over some other vehicle! I would have been beneath one of those vehicles! And how stupid she was to do such a thing in the middle of the road from a speeding car! It wasn’t like she reached an airport destination that she had to rush so quickly to get her luggage before the security chased your car off! It was a speeding car and she had absolutely no reason to do so!

As the crowd started disappearing and few left behind stood there helping me with my bleeding ear, I realized something. Sometimes, there need to be no reason at all for anything. You just have to deal with such idiots and there is no need to get enraged in such situations. God just wants us to know what a world we live in. He just wants us to know that people don’t need any reasons anymore to hurt us. World lost peace as humans lost sensitivity. Technology made people so crazy that nothing else matter to people anymore. People fell in love with mechanical things way too much that they already forgot the meaning of living beings. They are literally living in a virtual world. Mobiles became their sight. 
In the past couple of years, I literally noticed during my travel that, 90% of my fellow passengers were busy with their phones, 5% with their laptops and only the remaining 5% were in other activities like talking, eating, reading books, etc. What sympathy! I wish those 90% shift ‘that’ their focus from the virtual world to another world called Hell. Am sure everything falls in place, because then fear overtakes. Where there is fear, there is self correction. Where there is self correction, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is heaven. Isn’t that why we bless the dead saying ‘Rest in Peace’? Let us all rest in peace one unexpected day. It’s not a very long way there as we all are very close to the eternal destruction through our self destruction. God help us fight our idiocy in these last days.

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

My vision to Heaven

I was fast asleep last night. May be I was so tired yesterday, over stressed myself with some personal work. That usually doesn't happen. Then something strange happened! I heard a sound. It was more like somebody was trying to wake me up. I didn't want to wake up but  neither the person wanted to give up. You may not believe this. I opened my eyes and saw somebody, however I was unable to see his face though he was straight looking to my eyes! He stretched his hands and said I should go with him and there's no time. I got up, set my dress well and followed him. I was not given time to wash my face or wear my sandals. I was totally barefooted as I just walked and walked with him. After about ten minutes, I realised that I wasn't walking straight. I was actually walking up, like towards the sky!! I was scared. I looked down and saw that everything appeared so small. He held my hand and said, "Never look back. It makes no sense desiring something so small there". I tried to look at him. I could see him but he was invisible!! We crossed many people, many places, many things on our way. I recognised almost everything but couldn't understand what they were. He smiled and said, "These were something that never belonged to you. So just ignore". 

In a while we reached a very wide door that almost looked like a China wall. I was wondering how we can enter but, the door opened up when he just touched it. I was so scared to step in because it was like one wider place with golden floor. His grip on my hands became firmer as he pulled me inside with him. I turned back to see how the door looked from inside. There was no door! I saw about 10-12 bald headed people there welcoming us with something in their hands. Something like stone carvings but some glittering stone carvings. Two more people joined them playing windpipe. As we crossed them and walked forward, I was lead to the door of a building that looked like some villa with clouded patterns on it. He asked me to go inside and I stood there wondering how I can enter without anybody opening the door for me. He said again leaving my hand, "You walked with me so far. Hold up your faith". I just touched the door and found that I can actually enter through it. Those cloud patterns were no patterns but actual clouds and I was able to pass through them. 

I entered the hall and saw 1000s of look-alike people in various groups separated by their robe colours. Top to bottom, they looked like carbon copies to each other. They had similar heights, weights, complexions, what not! All wore white robes but different shades of white, like bluish white, grayish white, greenish white, yellowish white, etc. And none had hair. There was another small group of people wearing milky white robes and only they had some covering on their head. They were engaging each group with each task. I can't actually use the word 'task' here. It's more like a programme, activity... Bluish white robed people were playing with diamonds, grayish white robed people playing 'Ringa Ringa roses' kind of game, other group singing, other group just laughing, etc. I don't know what you can call that. All looked so familiar but I was unable to recognise anybody because almost everyone looked alike. If not for the dress shade variations, one wouldn't know that they are not the same. Then one person came flying above our heads and singing something louder. He had no wings but he was flying like he had wings. It was only then I realised that all this while, it was not the same set of languages I knew back at home that I spoke. It was none of the languages I ever heard of. Right from the person who brought me here, to everyone talking here, it was some unknown language which I still understood. After the flying guy announced that the time has come, everyone started jumping and shouting out of joy. Then two more flying guys came in with big and wide jars and some covered plates. To tell you the fact, I was able to see everybody but nobody's face. It's not like they didn't have faces or heads. They all had. I rubbed my eyes but it was the same vision. I even doubted if I got a head myself. I checked quickly by touching it, especially tapped my brain part to make sure I wasn't dreaming. I wasn't. But I found out that I was bald too. Just then a new guy joined the room. He was pushed to me. He was wearing a different shaded white robe. I looked at myself once and to my surprise, I was dressed in reddish white robe just like him. It was just two of us with that shade in the entire room of thousands. We looked at each other in surprise. I noticed that he was as confused as I did. 

Then I heard strange bells ringing louder and louder. All other noises stopped and suddenly everyone started singing including I. This was a new song, unknown language, no lyrics, but I sang like a professional. In fact, every single person there sang like a professional singer. Then I saw one person in extremely white robe, a robe that glowed so much and gave shining to all our robes. His face was not visible too. It was over glowing. He called each of us by our names and started putting crowns on our heads. I noticed another strange thing here. None of us had any gender. I was neither a lady nor a man. It wasn't like we were transgenders. We just had no gender! We all looked so alike. And all names sounded so similar with no difference at all, however each person knew exactly it was his name when he called. These crowns also were divided into different sets and looked so similar but with very little differences. Each set crowns were gifted to persons with each shade robes. Like all greenish white robes got the set of crowns that had green diamonds on it, all bluish white robes got the set of crowns that had blue diamonds on it, etc etc. 

My turn came and he called me with that same name too. I flew to him! I didn't realise till then that none of us actually were standing on that golden floor but were just half feet above to it in the air. I received my crown too. It was a diamonds made crown fitted into golden borders and it had a glittering red stone on it. He whispered into my ears so gently, "You suffered a lot and you deserve this. Go to your room where your people are waiting". His voice was gentle but so strong like a thunder. If he didn't whisper, my head would have banged into two just with his voice. I turned and entered into a room through the doorless wall. I thought I will find all my family members. They might be the same or may not, but they looked like me and looked more familiar to me; similar robes, crowns and faces too. We hugged each other and played some jumping games. We played and played and never got tired. I was just enjoying myself. Throughout the time, I was listening to strange noises of so many people crying somewhere beneath my feet level. I tried to see but could only hear noises. It was scary if I paid attention there but joy overtook me.

Suddenly I heard a bell ring and I turned my head. The person who brought me was standing there stretching his hand to me. I walked up to him. He held my hand and we started walking. I didn't find anything that I saw all the while. It was as if nothing was even there. I was shocked! We walked till I reached my bed. He left my hand and said, "I will come again. Wait for me". I pleaded him not to leave me here but he left with a smile. I lied down on my bed crying. I cried and cried till I fell asleep. I woke up in the morning, smiled for the dream I had and went to washroom. I found my eyes swollen and no clear vision. I washed my eyes with cold water and tried to look at myself in the mirror again. Unclear vision! It was like I just walked into a dark room directly from outside on a sunny day. (Try it once and you will understand what I meant). I was confused. I went to the living room and opened my tab. The Bible application on my tab was opened  to the book of Revelation. I didn't open it and nobody there knew my screenlock pattern. I don't know what else to say. I knelt down immediately, prayed for 10 minutes, called someone explaining the incident and then wrote it down. It might sound very stupid to you, it did to me initially. But after a long phone conversation with a couple of people, here is the reason I penned it down for you to read. My well wishers said that if you believe in the supreme power, such visions symbolise the end days of the world so as to warn us to be prepared for the eternity. Religion has nothing to do with it. I just shared my vision.