FMCT (formerly known as Living Faith Ministries) started from the first week of July, 2016 in the loving memories of Dr Victor Solmon Dawson and Mr Faith Odion Ejemai.

Mission and vision of the ministries:

To actually spread the love of Christ through faithful deeds/actions, not by the sweet words of gospel alone.

Objects of the trust are as below:

- Spiritual & religious

- Social Awareness & Welfare activities

- Education towards Patriotism

- Motivation speeches for Humanity

- Live music band for a cause

- Animal Aid

- Medical provisions to the underprivileged


1. Good sound system for our open live performances for cause in the remote villages of India.

2. A four wheeler to hold our instruments and other items for distribution.

3. Volunteering artists such as Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Motivational speakers and Stand-up comedians.

4. Donations in cash or kind for maintenance.

Our special request:

We the team members of FMCT welcome you all to be partakers of our mission in anyway you can. Be it by paying visits and serving the needful in the villages chosen randomly every month, be it through the contributions/donations you can make small or big for the medicines and the care taking maintenance, or be it through your constant blessings and prayers for our mission to grow. But please do remember us. May God double the portions of a cheerful giver in love and faith. Amen.

Sunday, March 26, 2017


You must have seen this advertisement for some tyre company ‘streets are filled with idiots’. I came across one this particular day of March 23rd, 2017, a Thursday evening around 05:50pm.

I was returning home on my bike from Mumbai exhibition center. I was there to meet my distributor friends who had their stalls for the Camera Exhibition happening in town. Being rush hours, I was muddling through the moving traffic and maintained my speed as I had a long way to drive back home. There were other bikes, cars and heavy vehicles moving alongside and each of us maintained a minimum distance to avoid any hits. I made sure I don’t clash into other bikes as bikers were using every available tiny gap to barge in. I had no rush and so I kept a safe distance. But accidents don’t come with a notice. They don’t always happen with the ones who drive rough. They can also happen to the ones who drive very carefully focusing on the road. And mostly it happens that way only.

Since I was already to the left side of the road, a car just tried to overtake me. Trust me; there was no scope for any accident at all because the driver ensured he horned loud enough to avoid any such disasters. But like I said, there are idiots everywhere; suddenly a young girl sitting inside the car, wide opened the door of this speeding car! She must be in her early twenties and was busy with one of her mobile apps, THE WhatsApp. I was able to notice that because, once the open door hit me with all force and I lost my balance to fall down and skid a little on the burning road along with my bike, she just closed the door looking at me and continued with her chatting without even apologizing. My knee swelled up and my ear was cut deep as the car door banged right on my ear. The girl didn’t even realize what just happened! It was actually a cab and the cab driver quickly pulled his vehicle aside and stopped for a minute, blasted the girl for her stupidity, said sorry to me on her behalf and pulled off again the moment he noticed that a crowd started gathering around us. I understood his fear and was able to forgive him for not staying back to check on me. I didn’t get a chance to catch the girl. I was in so much pain and anger that if I got to the girl, I would have thrashed her to death! May be God didn’t want me to turn a murderer that he permitted the cab driver to skip so quickly from the situation. I was so bothered. It could have been a major accident as there were two heavy loaded vehicles to my extreme left and a school bus to my front. What could have happened if I fell to my left side or if the school bus didn’t speed suddenly to take over some other vehicle! I would have been beneath one of those vehicles! And how stupid she was to do such a thing in the middle of the road from a speeding car! It wasn’t like she reached an airport destination that she had to rush so quickly to get her luggage before the security chased your car off! It was a speeding car and she had absolutely no reason to do so!

As the crowd started disappearing and few left behind stood there helping me with my bleeding ear, I realized something. Sometimes, there need to be no reason at all for anything. You just have to deal with such idiots and there is no need to get enraged in such situations. God just wants us to know what a world we live in. He just wants us to know that people don’t need any reasons anymore to hurt us. World lost peace as humans lost sensitivity. Technology made people so crazy that nothing else matter to people anymore. People fell in love with mechanical things way too much that they already forgot the meaning of living beings. They are literally living in a virtual world. Mobiles became their sight. 
In the past couple of years, I literally noticed during my travel that, 90% of my fellow passengers were busy with their phones, 5% with their laptops and only the remaining 5% were in other activities like talking, eating, reading books, etc. What sympathy! I wish those 90% shift ‘that’ their focus from the virtual world to another world called Hell. Am sure everything falls in place, because then fear overtakes. Where there is fear, there is self correction. Where there is self correction, there is peace. Where there is peace, there is heaven. Isn’t that why we bless the dead saying ‘Rest in Peace’? Let us all rest in peace one unexpected day. It’s not a very long way there as we all are very close to the eternal destruction through our self destruction. God help us fight our idiocy in these last days.

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