FMCT (formerly known as Living Faith Ministries) started from the first week of July, 2016 in the loving memories of Dr Victor Solmon Dawson and Mr Faith Odion Ejemai.

Mission and vision of the ministries:

To actually spread the love of Christ through faithful deeds/actions, not by the sweet words of gospel alone.

Objects of the trust are as below:

- Spiritual & religious

- Social Awareness & Welfare activities

- Education towards Patriotism

- Motivation speeches for Humanity

- Live music band for a cause

- Animal Aid

- Medical provisions to the underprivileged


1. Good sound system for our open live performances for cause in the remote villages of India.

2. A four wheeler to hold our instruments and other items for distribution.

3. Volunteering artists such as Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Motivational speakers and Stand-up comedians.

4. Donations in cash or kind for maintenance.

Our special request:

We the team members of FMCT welcome you all to be partakers of our mission in anyway you can. Be it by paying visits and serving the needful in the villages chosen randomly every month, be it through the contributions/donations you can make small or big for the medicines and the care taking maintenance, or be it through your constant blessings and prayers for our mission to grow. But please do remember us. May God double the portions of a cheerful giver in love and faith. Amen.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Religion is Humans trying to work their way to God.

For the past 3 years, I have started mentioning “Human” whenever I had to fill up any form that asks for my religion. It’s not like I am not proud of what religion I was born in. I am just too devastated on how the concept of religion has become the primary concern for ‘Divide and rule’ spoiling peace in this world. I am just a follower of Christ. Of the Christians out there, I only appreciate the interpretation of Mother Teresa who actually proclaimed Christ through her deeds. She was a follower of Christ too but nobody had seen her preaching gospel!

The book of James 1:27 from the Holy Bible says “Pure and undefiled religion before God and the Father is this; to visit orphans and widows in their trouble, and to keep oneself unspotted in this world”. The Holy Bible itself stated this. Who are those in the name of Christianity to give their own interpretations and corrupt the actual meaning of it? Jesus didn’t die so we could have a religion. He died so that we could have a relationship with God through him. Don’t misinterpret here too. ‘Through him’ means in the shadow of the ways he walked. That’s why he said, ‘I am the way...’

That way is not a religion. Jesus never came to start a religion. He came to have a relationship with us with a purpose and destiny for our lives, which is love and kindness. Religion means here the division between Sacred and Secular concern, other worldliness, man’s reaching toward God in a way that protects his own thoughts, because our own wisdom is quite corruptive. Religion should make us proud of what good deeds we have done, how much of human we have been, and if we have kept ourselves spotless of any guilt. So, Christianity is not about religion. It is about faith, about being held, about being forgiven of our past bad deeds, about finding peace and joy, about finding a meaningful life by helping others.

I only talk about Christianity here because I am a follower of Christ. I don’t know what you have been learning from whom you follow now.  But if your words of faith have no actions, then your religion means nothing at all. And if you call yourself a follower of Christ, Mary, Buddha, Allah, Ram, or whoever it is, and you cannot maintain love and peace with other living beings, it’s even considered a shame to their names.  Don’t add rules that don’t exist in the Holy Bible or other holy books.  Don’t make this “religion” that is not from God at all. Be a follower if you can and let people identify your God’s greatness through your deeds. You don’t even have to open your mouths.

One last word for everyone reading this. If you have good morals and you are able to pass that good to other through your deeds, then you automatically have a relationship with God, which is the key to open the doors of heaven.   

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