We are a small team of 5-6 members who gathered as one with a mutual understanding. (Note: We follow no specific religious/political denomination or work for any Church). We are all working professionals, few even from media background, who decided to invest part of our time and money for a cause. OUR MOTTOS ARE: - Helping hands are better than praying lips. - Faith without actions make no sense at all. - If it hurts you, it hurts others too.
FMCT (formerly known as Living Faith Ministries) started from the first week of July, 2016 in the loving memories of Dr Victor Solmon Dawson and Mr Faith Odion Ejemai.
Mission and vision of the ministries:
To actually spread the love of Christ through faithful deeds/actions, not by the sweet words of gospel alone.
Objects of the trust are as below:
- Spiritual & religious
- Social Awareness & Welfare activities
- Education towards Patriotism
- Motivation speeches for Humanity
- Live music band for a cause
- Animal Aid
- Medical provisions to the underprivileged
1. Good sound system for our open live performances for cause in the remote villages of India.
2. A four wheeler to hold our instruments and other items for distribution.
3. Volunteering artists such as Singers, Dancers, Musicians, Motivational speakers and Stand-up comedians.
4. Donations in cash or kind for maintenance.
Our special request:
We the team members of FMCT welcome you all to be partakers of our mission in anyway you can. Be it by paying visits and serving the needful in the villages chosen randomly every month, be it through the contributions/donations you can make small or big for the medicines and the care taking maintenance, or be it through your constant blessings and prayers for our mission to grow. But please do remember us. May God double the portions of a cheerful giver in love and faith. Amen.